illumination of city pedestrian zones

features of the lighting system
The lighting solution should provide a sense of security and safety on the streets of the city in the evening and at night. Lighting has a significant impact on the ecosystem of the city, it can contribute to the suppression of melatonin and the disruption of the usual circadian rhythms of the inhabitants of flora and fauna. That is why the urban environment lighting project must be carried out in accordance with existing standards, and must take into account not only the general architecture of the city, but also the impact on living organisms, including humans.
recommendations for choosing equipment
When choosing a luminaire, you should start from its aesthetics and the quality of light. The choice should be made in favor of less powerful lighting devices, so as not to increase the height of the lighting poles and not to overestimate the blinding brightness. Warmer color temperatures will promote the production of melatonin and harmonize the natural biorhythms of living organisms. The use of a ready-made solution "luminaire + lighting pole" in the project will be the most economical and aesthetic solution, both at night and in the daytime.
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